Status: Outline consent for Masterplan. Subsequent reserved matters approved
Category: Development Brief, Masterplanning, Representations
Location: York
Plans and Policies Project
University of York Campus Expansion
The University of York has experienced steady growth since it was established in the 1960s. Student and staff numbers, research activity and science park uses have expanded at a similar rate. In 2003, the University concluded that it had outgrowth its 68ha campus and expansion onto adjacent land at Heslington could be justified.
This practice prepared a Development Brief for the new 116ha campus which was subsequently adopted by the City Council. Led by O’Neill Associates an outline planning application based on the brief was prepared and submitted in 2004. It was approved by the Secretary of State in 2006 following a 6-week public inquiry.
Subsequently, this practice worked with a range of consultants to prepare briefs and plans to facilitate the implementation of the permission. We have led on the preparation and submission of reserved matters submissions as campus east has been built out, including residential colleges, academic departments, a 14ha lake and extensive sports and landscape provision.
University predictions have indicated that, at recent growth rates, campus east will run out of land during the period of the emerging York local plan. This practice has submitted representations on the local plan to achieve an expansion site south of campus east commensurate with the projected demands.