Residential Project
New homes at Old Bowling Green, Acomb, York
This development is for a high-quality residential scheme providing 10 new homes on the site of a former bowling club in the centre of Acomb, York.
The bowling club had taken the decision to close due to dwindling membership, and O’Neill Associates progressed proposals for a new residential use from initial pre-application discussions with the local Councillor and Council Officers through to approval of the application at Planning Committee.
The site forms a backland plot behind the village main street adjacent to the Acomb Conservation Area and is surrounded by existing housing, public house and local library, with vehicular access shared with the inn.
Key considerations were to ensure the scheme delivered an appropriate housing mix with a layout, scale and design that would sit comfortably with surrounding residential development and provide a high level of amenity for future occupants. Careful consideration of access issues and discussion with Council Officers enabled highway concerns on utilising the existing access to be overcome.
The former bowling green site is the first new residential development in the centre of Acomb to be brought forward for a number of years, and the homes are expected to be completed for occupation in 2020.