Status: Planning Approved
Category: Hotel
Location: York
Topics: Conservation Area, Listed Buildings
Hotels Project
132 bed hotel in York Conservation Area
O’Neill Associated secured planning permission for a 132 bedroom hotel in the centre of York on behalf of Dominvs Group, a London based family run property business with a focus on hotel development and operations.
Redevelopment of the site following the demolition of the former HMRC offices, Swinson House will provide a key piece of the Castle Gateway regeneration area.
The scheme was approved by York Council’s planning committee in August 2020 without any planning s106 financial or non-financial obligations.
Consent was granted followed extensive negotiations with the Council and Stakeholders at pre-application and application stage to resolve a range of complex planning and heritage issues, particularly in relation to the adjacent grade 1 listed St Deny’s Church, archaeology, historic views, and sustainable design and construction.